Commercial Energy Management, Audits, and Benchmarking

Energy Management

Energy Management utilizes engineering and economic principles to control the cost of energy.

Energy Management establishes a process for

  1. Benchmarking
  2. Setting goals
  3. Developing action plans and
  4. Tracking program results

Energy cost reduction results from

  • Improvements in energy efficiency
  • Changing patterns of energy use and
  • Shifting to other sources of energy

Energy Benchmarking

The term “benchmarking” describes the process of tracking the energy consumed, over time, of an existing building and comparing the results to similar buildings or an applicable standard.

Benchmarking is critical to allow facilities to measure and compare their energy usage to similar buildings/facilities, both locally and nationally.

Get Started

Create a facility-wide energy management plan for your business.

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Energy Audit

At the heart of energy management is the Energy Audit (aka Energy Survey or Assessment).

Energy Audits can vary from relatively simple, preliminary reviews of utility data to detailed calculations of energy and cost savings and detailed cost analyses of projects to implement.

The American Society of Heating, Refrigeration, and Air Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) defines three different levels of energy audit; Level I is the least detailed and Level III is the most detailed.

By knowing what each level entails, a building owner can determine which type of audit will be the most cost effective.

Typical Areas of Investigation:

Utility Analysis and Demand Response

Lighting – Exterior / Interior

Building Envelope

Indoor Air Quality

Water Usage

Mechanical Systems

  • Heating Equipment
  • Cooling Equipment
  • Distribution/Duct Systems
  • Ventilation
  • Domestic Hot Water
  • Compressed Air Systems
  • Motors, Pumps
  • Co-generation and Combined Heat & Power

Certified Energy Manager

Since its inception in 1981, the Certified Energy Manager (CEM) credential has become widely accepted and used as a measure of professional accomplishment within the energy management field. Recognized by the U.S. Department of Energy, the Office of Federal Energy Management Programs (FEMP), and the U.S. Agency for International Development, as well as by numerous state energy offices, major utilities, corporations and energy service companies, CEM certification has gained industry-wide use as the standard for qualifying energy professionals both in the United States and abroad.





Service Area

Within 150 Miles from Savannah for Single-Family Projects
State-wide for Multifamily and Light Commercial Projects

Take the first step towards a more energy efficient home or business.
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